Ginger is used to make delicious and digestible to the meals in houses. Mostly, it is cultivated in all the states but it is excessively grown in Kerala. This tuber-root (it grows under the land) is known as ginger in humid condition and dry ginger after drying. If it is pressed in the humid land, it becomes fresh for a long time. Its tuber-root is light yellow, fragrant and has many parts.
Name in different languages:
Sanskrit - Aadrak, Aadrashak
Hindi - Adrak, Aadi, Sounth
Marathi - Aalein
Gujarati - Aadu
Bengali - Aada, Soonth
Telugu - Sallam, Sonthi
Dravidian - Hamishoth
English - Ginger Root
Latin - Gingiber Ofishinel
Ginger is known as the best medicine in Ayurvedha because it contains many types of medicine qualities. It is hot in nature, bitter, spicy and sweet taste, heavy, easy digestible and interesting. It eliminates constipation and normalizes vatta, pitta and kapha. It is also useful to increase appetite.
According to the scientists, ginger contains 80% water and dry ginger contains 10% water. Besides it, it contains 53% percent starch, 12.4 % proteins, 7.2 % fibers (Silk), 6.6 % ash, 1.8 % essential oil and Authiyoregyn.
Dry ginger contains proteins, nitrogen, amino acids, starch, glucose, succors, fructose, perfumed oil, oleoresin, Zinjeevrin, refinish, calcium, vitamin B and C, protithylit enzymes and iron too. It contains protitheelit enzymes, so it is admirable medicine to eliminate phlegm and useful for digestive system.
Outer Structure:
It is tuber-root of vegetation, which grows in productive and sand mixed soil. Its leaves are like as bamboo leaves and one to one and half (1-1.5) feet long.
Ginger is hot in nature, so the people who suffer from leprosy, jaundice, blood disorders caused by bile, sore, fever, bleeding, anuria-dysuria and body inflammation should not eat ginger. If the digestive system of any person becomes weak in the summer season, he should not eat ginger too. Ginger should not be taken in the summer season and bloody vomiting but if it is necessary, it can be used in less quantity.
5-10 grams ginger, 1-3 grams dry ginger powder, 5-10 milliliters juice and 10-30 milliliters syrup or paste should be used.
Ginger (Adrakh*) is useful in different diseases
Small and clean branch of ginger should be sucked in all the types of hiccups.
Sucking little piece of ginger prevents hiccups quickly. Mix rock salt with ghee or water and make the patient smell. It provides relief in hiccups.
Mix one spoon ginger juice with 250 ml fresh cow milk and take it to prevent hiccups.
Mix powder of dry ginger with one cup hot milk and give it to the patient after cooling. It provides relief in
Sucking small pieces of ginger is useful to cure all the types of hiccups. It is a natural medicine to cure all the types of incurable hiccups.
Grind ginger and garlic in equal quantity together thereafter take it in one spoon quantity with water, it provides relief in stomachache.
One should take one gram ground dry ginger, some asafetida and black salt with lukewarm water as a dose because it provides relief in stomachache. Boil one ground dry ginger and rock salt with water thereafter give it to the patient; it ends stomachache, constipation and indigestion.
Mix 5 ml ginger juice, 5 grams mint juice and one rock salt together thereafter give it to the patient to drink; it provides relief in stomachache quickly.
Stomachache ends by taking 2 spoons ginger juice and 2 spoons juice of basil leaves with some lukewarm water.
Mix some caraway and two spoons ginger juice with one cup lukewarm water thereafter give it to the patient because it provides relief in stomachache.
Mix ginger juice, lemon juice and some ground black pepper together. Stomachache ends by licking this mixture.
Mix five ml ginger juice, five grams lemon juice and one gram powder of black peppers together. Stomachache ends by taking this mixture.
Mouth foul smell:
Mix one spoon ginger juice with one glass of lukewarm water thereafter gargle with it, it removes mouth foul smell.
Mix fine ground rock salt with ginger juice and apply it on the affected teeth, it provides relief in toothache.
If the pain occurs in the teeth suddenly, small pieces of ginger should be pressed under the affected teeth after peeling because it provides relief in toothache.
Pressing pieces of ginger under affected teeth provides relief in toothache caused by cold.
Immerse small pieces of ginger in lemon juice and rock salt in it. These pieces should be taken before meals regularly because it increases appetite.
Cold and catarrh:
Boil equal quantity of jaggery, ginger, lemon juice, caraway and turmeric with water thereafter filter it. Cold and catarrh is cured by taking this mixture.
Grind ginger, cloves, asafoetida and salt together thereafter prepare small tablets from it. Sucking 1-1 tablets 3-4 times a day cures hoarseness.
Fry pulse of kidney-bean with ghee and mix half quantity of jigger and dry ginger in this pulse thereafter grind it. 2 spoons this mixture should be taken thrice a day in the condition of paralysis.
Fry ground pulse of kidney bean with ghee thereafter mix ground dry ginger and jiggery in this mixture. Prepare sweetmeats (laddu) from it and store. One sweetmeat should be taken regularly or boil dry ginger and kidney bean with water thereafter give its water to the patient to drink. Paralysis is cured by using this process
Inflammation of the stomach and chest:
Mix one glass sugarcane juice, two spoons ginger juice and one spoon mint juice together thereafter give it to the patient, it provides relief in inflammation of the stomach and chest.
Vatta and waist pain:
Mix ginger juice with coconut oil and rub it on the waist as well as mix dry ginger with pure ghee and give it to the patient. Using this process provides relief in vatta and waist pain.
Throat diseases:
Mix ginger juice with lukewarm water and gargle with it 21 times. It is useful to cure hoarseness.
Make hole in ginger and fill asafetida in it. Wrap this ginger with betel-leaf and coat soil on it. Burn it in fire of cow-dung (it is prepared from dung of cow or buffalo) until soil turns into red then separate it from the fire. Now grind this ginger after cooling and prepare small tablets equal of gram from it. Hoarseness is cured by sucking these tablets.
Mix ginger juice with honey and lick it to cure hoarseness.
Make a hole in ginger and fill some asafetida and salt in it. Wrap this ginger with a cloth piece and coat soil on it. Cook this ginger in fire until come out fragrant then separate it from fire and take it in little quantity regularly. Using this process is useful to cure hoarseness and clears the voice.
Injury and crush:
If someone suffers from injury caused by lifting heavy products or crushing, heat ground ginger and coat it on the affected part equal of half inch thick thereafter tie bandage. After 2 hours, separate bandage from the affected part and apply mustard oil on it and foment. Using this experiment once a day regularly provides relief in wound pain quickly
Bloody diarrhoea:
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, cyperus, Indian atees and tinospora with water thereafter give it to the patient twice a day, it provides relief in this disease.
Make a decoction by boiling tinospora, Indian atees, dry ginger and cyperus with water. Sprue is cured by taking 20-25 ml this decoction twice a day.
Appetite increasing:
Take two grams dry ginger powder with ghee or take only powder of dry ginger with lukewarm water twice a day regularly, it increase appetite.
Eat ginger sauce with salt before meals regularly to purify the tongue and throat. It is also useful to increase appetite in meals.
The patient, who suffers from anorexia, should take ginger pickle because it cures anorexia and increases appetite.
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger and common fumitory with water thereafter give it to the patient, it provides relief in fever and increases appetite. This medicine should be taken in 5-10 grams quantity regularly.
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, chiretta, nut-grass and tinospora with water thereafter give it to the patient, it increases appetite and provides relief in fever too.
If the patient feels indigestion in the morning, one spoon powder of myrabalan chebulie, dry ginger and black salt should be given to him with water because it eliminates indigestion. The patient can take some meals at noon or in the evening.
The patient should eat powder of caraway, black salt, myrabalan and dry ginger one spoon each together regularly in indigestion.
Mix 10-20 ml ginger juice with equal quantity of lemon juice thereafter give it to the patient, it eliminates indigestion.
Stomach Diseases:
Make a decoction by boiling equal quantity of dry ginger, Terminalia chebula (Hareetki), beleric myrabalan and Indian Gooseberry with water. Mix two and half kilograms cow ghee, sesame oil and curd water with that mixture now cook again with ghee according to rule. Filter prepared mixture and give 10-20 grams to patient twice a day. It cures all the diseases of stomach.
Diabetes Mellitus:
Mix two spoons ginger juice and sugar-candy together thereafter take it twice a day, it cures diabetes mellitus.
Piles pain:
The patient should take aloe with duralbha or Indian aloe with pulp of bengle quince or Indian aloe with caraway or Indian aloe with dry ginger. After that, take only one pair of above medicine to get relief in pain caused by piles
Boil dry ginger, root of wild eggs plant, bala root and land caltrops two grams each and ten grams jaggery with 250 ml milk. Anuria-dysuria is cured by taking this preparation twice a day.
Filter ground dry ginger and give it to the patient mixed milk of sugar candy in the condition of anuria-dysuria
Hydrocoel (Growth testicles):
Mix two spoons honey with 10-20 ml ginger juice and give it to the patient, it cures hydrocoel (testicles enlargement).
Take mixture of ginger, triphala and jaggery to get relief in jaundice.
Diarrhoea (loose motions):
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, cuscus, seeds of bengle quince, nut-grass, coriander, gum of silk cotton and pauonia odorata (Netrabala) with water. This decoction is useful to cure diarrhoea and fever caused by pitta and kapha.
Make a decoction by boiling ten grams coriander and ten grams dry ginger with water thereafter give it to the patient twice a day because it provides relief in diarrhoea.
Blood disorder caused by Vatta (Vaatrakt):
Cook anshumati decoction with 640 ml milk and mix eighty grams sugar-candy in it thereafter make the patient drink. Thus, make a decoction by boiling long pepper and dry ginger with water thereafter give 20 ml this decoction to the patient twice a day. Using this process is useful to end blood disorder caused by vatta.
Pain caused by vatta:
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger and castor root with water and thereafter mix asafetida and rock salt in it. Vatta pain is cured by taking this mixture.
Mix equal quantity of powder of dry ginger, long pepper, purgative croton’s root, lead wort stem and barbering with 2 folds quantity of myrabalan chebulie powder together. After that, take 3-6 grams this mixture with lukewarm water in the morning to get relief in swelling.
Filter equal quantity o powder of dry ginger, long pepper, betel leaf, elephant piper, small wild egg plant, lead wort stem, piper stem, turmeric, cumin seed and nut-grass with the help of cloth and mix together. After that, take two grams this mixture with lukewarm water thrice a day to end swelling and chronic swelling caused by tridosa (vatta, pitta and kapha).
Mix jiggery with 10-20 ml ginger juice and give it to the patient to drink twice a day. It is useful to cure all the types of swelling.
Taking powder of black salt, asafetida and dry ginger with decoction of dry ginger is useful to end Kapha and Vatta, heart pain, unbearable pain, joints pain, dropsy and cholera. If the stool becomes block, its powder should be given to him with barley.
Boil one liter ginger juice with 500 ml sesame oil on fire until it remains only oil then put it down and filter. Joints pain is cured by rubbing this oil on body.
Light hot juice of ginger can be rubbed on the affected to end joints pain.
Excessive thirst in fever:
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, common fumitory, cyperus, cuscus, red sandal and perfumed bela with water. After that, give this decoction to the patient slowly to cure fever and to quench thirst. The person, who suffers from excessive thirst in fever, should take this medicine.
Make a powder by grinding equal quantity of dry ginger, mudar leaves, Malabar nut tree leaves, turpeth root, long cardamom and ivy gourd (Kundroo) together thereafter mix alkaline of bustard teak and cow urine in it to prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the affected parts and sit in sunlight until the paste dries. By using this process the mandal leprosy bursts and its wound is cured soon.
Inflammation in fever:
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger, winter cherry (gandhbala), pittapapra, cuscus, nut-grass and red sandal with water thereafter give it to the patient after cooling. Using this process is useful to cure fever caused by bile, vomiting and inflammation. It quenches the thirst too.
Grind ten grams ginger and ten grams mudar root together thereafter prepare tablets equal of black pepper from it. Cholera is cured by taking these tablets with lukewarm water. Thus, mix ginger juice with equal quantity of basil juice thereafter mix some honey or some ash of peacock wings in it. Cholera is cured by taking this mixture.
Mix six ml ginger juice with six grams honey and give it to patient 3-4 times a day in the condition of influenza.
Collapsing fever:
Mix trikuta, rock salt and ginger juice together thereafter give it to the patient to lick twice a day; it provides relief in collapsing fever.
When the patient body becomes cold in collapsing, mix garlic juice with ginger juice and rub it on the affected part, it provides warmth in the body.
Boil ten grams ginger with 100 ml water and mix honey or sugar in it after cooling. Rheumatism is cured by taking this mixture.
Numbness of the hands and feet:
Soak one burl of dry ginger and one burl of garlic in water thereafter grind both (dry ginger and garlic) to prepare a paste. This paste should be coated on the affected part as well as chew some dry ginger and 2 buds of garlic together on empty stomach in the morning for 10 days regularly. Using this process is useful to end numbness of the hand and feet.
Boil ten grams dry ginger with 250 ml water and fill it in a bottle after filtering. The patient should take this medicine for three weeks regularly in the condition of leucorrhoea
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger and jaggery with water thereafter give it to the patient because it provides benefit in this disease. Avoid cold water and sour food stuff
Hoarseness and breathing cough:
Heat 30 ml ginger juice with equal quantity of honey and take it thrice a day for ten days regularly. It is excellent medicine to cure breathing cough. This process is also useful in the condition of hoarseness and catarrh
Cough and catarrh:
Ginger can be taken after toasting with ghee too. Boil small pieces of twelve grams ginger with 250 ml water, milk and sugar like tea. Cough and catarrh are cured by taking this preparation. Fry jaggery with ghee until it turns into juice then mix twelve grams ground dry ginger in it. After that, take this medicine in the morning regularly to cure cough and catarrh. It is only one dose
Gums swelling:
If someone suffers from gums swelling, he should take three grams dry ginger powder with water once a day because it ends gums swelling and toothache. If the pain occurs in the teeth due to cold, cast salt on the ginger and put it under the affected teeth, it provides relief in toothache.
Eat three grams dry ginger with lukewarm water once a day to get relief in gums swelling.
Mix ginger juice and salt together thereafter rub it on the gums twice a day regularly, it ends gums swelling.
Influenza, cough, catarrh, headache and vatta fever:
Boil three grams dry ginger, seven leaves of basil and seven pieces of black pepper with 250 ml water thereafter mix sugar in it. After that, take this warm preparation to cure influenza, cough, catarrh and headache or the patient should take one spoon ground dry ginger and fourth spoon black salt with lukewarm water thrice a day in above symptoms
Migraine, neck and muscles pain:
If these diseases are occurred caused by indigestion or stomach disorders, grind dry ginger and mix some water in it to prepare a paste. Make light hot this paste and coat it on the affected part. The patient feels light inflammation in the beginning during this treatment but it cures by itself. If the patient suffers from headache caused by catarrh, grind dry ginger with lukewarm water and coat it on the affected part. Smelling ground dry ginger starts sneezing and ends headache
Make hole in a ginger and fill asafetida equal of a gram in this hole thereafter wrap it with a cloth. Toast this ginger and prepare tablets equal of pea from it. The patient should suck one tablet 8 times in a day or mix ginger juice with honey and give it to the patient to lick. Using any process from above processes is useful to cure hoarseness. Drinking half spoon ginger juice after every half an hour a day cures hoarseness caused by eating sour food stuff. If the patient is kept ginger juice in the throat for sometimes, it clears the throat
Fever caused by kaphaz:
Boil half spoon ground dry ginger with one cup of water until half water remains then mix sugar candy in it. This fever is cured by taking this mixture.
Make a decoction by boiling dry ginger and mint with water then give it to the patient to drink, it starts sweat and decreases fever. Ginger and mint are very useful to the vatta and kapha natured person.
Mix juice of fresh ginger, lemon juice and rock salt together thereafter give it to the patient before and after meals. It cures indigestion and disgusts food. It digests the food and increases appetite too. Gas also does not originate in the stomach. Taking sauce of ginger, black salt and black pepper before half an hour of eating food for three days regularly is useful to eliminate constipation
For digestive system:
Cut six grams ginger in little pieces and cast some salt on it. The patient should take these pieces before the meals once a day for ten days regularly. It cures digestion and eliminates constipation and increases appetite too. It also fits the mouth taste, increases appetite and cleans the phlegm of tongue.
Powder of dry ginger, asafetida and black salt eliminate gas from the throat. Grind dry ginger and caraway together thereafter soak it in lemon juice. Dry this mixture under the shadow and mix salt in it. Taking one gram this powder with water twice a day cures disgust, bitter belching and gas pain.
If someone suffers from surfeited, fry ginger pieces with deshi ghee and cast salt on it. After that, give these pieces to him twice a day regularly to cure all the types of stomach diseases.
Cook 100 grams sugar with one liter ginger juice until it turns into dry then mix five grams cloves powder and 5 grams powder of small children in it. Fill this mixture in a bottle and store it. All the types of disorders of digestive system are cured by taking one spoon this mixture with boiled milk or water.
Mix one spoon dry ginger, one spoon ghee and twenty five grams jaggery together. Heat this mixture and give it to the patient to eat, it provides relief in this disease.
Amoebic (Raw disgust food):
If amoebic or raw disgusted food lives in stomach for a long time, many types of diseases occur in the body. The digestive system becomes disturb and many types of diseases occur in the stomach. Back pain, Joints pain, indigestion, sleeplessness and headache etc. are symptoms of amoebic. These all diseases are cured by taking two spoons ginger juice on empty stomach in the morning regularly.
Diabetes mellitus:
Mix ginger juice and loaf sugar together and thereafter give it to the patient, it cures diabetes mellitus.
Mix 5 ml ginger juice with equal quantity of honey and take it as well as rub ash of cow dung on the whole body and take it sleep after covering with blanket. Using this process is useful to cure urticaria quickly.
Urticaria is cured by licking 5 ml ginger juice.
Make a packet of ginger with jaggery and drip it in both the nostrils, it provides relief in migraine.
If any person suffers from migraine, drip ginger juice in the nostril, it provides relief in migraine.
If someone suffers from hoarseness caused by cough in the winter seasons, mix honey with 7-8 ml ginger juice and give it to him to lick. It provides relief and reduces cough too.
Cough caused by Asthma:
Mix ten ml ginger juice with fifty grams honey and lick it 3-4 times a day, it cures cough caused by cold and catarrh. According to the doctors, it is also useful in cough caused by asthma.
Fast fever:
Mix 5 ml ginger juice with 5 grams honey and lick it to end mystification and warmth.
Dripping light hot juice of ginger in the ears drop by drop is useful to cure deafness.
Mix oil, honey and some rock salt with ginger juice thereafter drip it in the ears; it cures deafness and many types of ears diseases.
Mix 5-10 ml ginger juice with water and give it to the patient twice a day regularly because it provides relief in dropsy.
Diabetes mellitus in winter season:
Mix ten ml ginger juice with some honey and give it to the patient, it provides relief in diabetes mellitus.
Fever subsides by taking ginger juice with mint decoction.
Mix one spoon honey with equal quantity of ginger juice and give it to the patient 3-4 times in a day, it provides relief in fever.
Hoarseness in the winter season:
This disease is cured by licking ginger juice with black salt.
Joints swelling:
Coating ground ginger on the affected parts is useful to end pain and swelling.
Boil 500 ml ginger juice with 250 ml sesame oil until it burns juice then filter remained oil. Rubbing this oil on the affected parts is useful to provide very relief in joints swelling. Ginger juice can be used after boiling with coconut oil too.
Acidity (sour belching):
Mix five ml ginger juice with 100 ml pomegranate juice and give it to the patient twice a day for some days regularly, it is useful to end acidity (sour belching).
Grind equal quantity of ginger and coriander together thereafter give it to the patient with water because it provides relief in acidity.
One should take one spoon ginger juice with honey in the acidity.
Hydrocoel (testicles enlargement):
If someone suffers from testicles enlargement caused by gas disorders, mix five ml ginger juice with honey and give to him for 3-4 weeks regularly; it provides relief in above symptom.
One should take about one ml ginger juice with one ml water twice to cure asthma or breathing problems.
Mix ginger juice with honey and give it to the patient, it ends all the types of breathing problems, cough, catarrh, indigestion, etc. diseases.
Mix musk with ginger juice and give it to the patient, it ends breathing problems.
Mix about ¼ grams ash of zinc, six ml ginger juice and six grams honey together. Cough and asthma are cured by taking this mixture.
Giving ginger juice to the patient with honey cures asthma of old-age.
Mix cassia and long pepper with ginger treacle thereafter lick it to end all the types of breathing problems.
Grind fine ginger (without bark) and date-palm (without seeds) together thereafter mix both with honey in a big and clean pot properly. Now fill this mixture in soil pot and close it with flour. Make a hole in the land in shape of soil pot and put this pot in this hole and press it in soil. After 36 hours, separate soil from the pot carefully and dig out pot. Take one spoon this medicine in the morning with breakfast and at bed time at night and drink light hot and sweet milk on it. Using this process for two months regularly is useful to end asthma or breathing problems.
Fill ginger juice, garlic juice, juice of Indian aloe and honey 50 grams each in a soil or china pot and cork its mouth. Make a hole in the land and put this pot in this hole thereafter press soil on it. After 3 days, dig out this pot from the land and give 3 grams this medicine to the patient regularly. It is useful treatment to cure asthma within 15-30 days.
Grind fifteen grams ginger, four pieces of almond and eight pieces of dried grapes together. Bronchitis is cured by taking this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day.
Wet cough:
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and honey and after that lightly heat one spoon of it. Thereafter, lick it three and four times. Wet cough is cured within three and four days by it.
Mix 14 milliliters ginger juice with equal quantity of honey and give it to the patient twice a day; it provides relief in wet cough.
Whooping cough:
Mix ginger juice with honey and give it to the patient to lick twice or thrice a day, it cures whopping cough.
Hair problems:
Mix ginger juice and onion juice with black salt thereafter rub it on the affected head; it provides relief in alopecia.
Rubbing ginger piece slowly on head cures alopecia.
Common cough:
Mix ginger juice, some honey and some black salt together thereafter give it to the patient to lick. It provides relief in common cough.
Mix ginger juice and silver fir together then lick it to cure cough.
If the phlegm becomes increase without water, mix juice of juice, betel leaf and basil leaves with honey. Giving this mixture to the patient brings out phlegm.
Mix ginger juice, caraway powder and honey together thereafter make light. Breathing problems and cough are cured by licking this mixture.
Mix one spoon ginger juice with some honey and lick, it provides relief in common cough quickly.
Make a decoction by boiling leaves of ginger, basil, black pepper and sesapadula (Patol) with water. Influenza is cured by taking this decoction.
Boil three grams ginger or dry ginger, seven leaves of basil, seven black peppers and some cinnamon with 250 ml water after that mix sugar in it. After that, give this hot preparation to the patient is useful to cure influenza, catarrh, cough and headache.
One should drink ginger juice thrice a day for ten days regularly. It is very useful to cure cough and asthma. Avoid sour products and curd. Make small pieces of twelve grams ginger and boil it with one glass of water, milk and sugar as tea. After that, give this mixture to the patient to cure cough and catarrh. Boil 8 black peppers, salt, jiggery according to taste and ¼ spoons ground dry ginger with one glass of water until half quantity then give it to the patient. Using this process will be cured cough. Make very small pieces of 10 grams ginger and store it. Mix 20 grams jiggery in it and cook on fire. The jaggery will be melt by cooking then move the jiggery with the help of spoon and store it. When this preparation becomes mix properly, put it down. Licking 1-2 spoons this warm preparation provides relief in phlegm cough. Water should not be drunk for one hour after taking this medicine or gargle should be done with lukewarm water after licking it at bed time. It is very effective medicine.
Mix five ml ginger juice with three grams honey and lick it to get relief in cough.
Mix 6 ml ginger juice and 6 ml basil leaves juice and honey 6 grams each together thereafter take it twice or thrice a day, it provides relief in dry cough.
Pneumonia is cured by taking one spoon ginger juice and one spoon juice of basil leaves with honey.
Mix old ghee (1-2 years old) and camphor with ginger juice thereafter heat it. Pneumonia is cured by rubbing it on the chest.
This disease is cured by taking three grams ginger with ten grams ground jaggery.
Cold, catarrh and cough:
Ginger tea is very useful in the condition of catarrh, cough and cold in the summer seasons. Boil 3 grams ginger and 10 grams jiggery with 250 ml water until 50 ml water remains then filter it. Take this lukewarm tea and sleep with blanket.
This tea is very warm in nature, so it should not be taken regularly. Ground sugar or sugar can be used instead of jiggery in common condition.
Boil ten grams pieces of ginger with 200 ml water until it remains fourth part then put it down and filter. Mix one cup mixed milk of loaf sugar in this decoction and give it to patient twice a day. It cures cough, cold and catarrh.
Night blindness (Ratondhy):
Mix ginger juice and onion juice together and thereafter drip it in the eyes with the help of stick thrice a day, it cures night blindness.
Gum diseases:
If someone suffers from swelling or bleeding of the gums, mix ginger juice and salt in it. Rubbing it on the gums twice a day regularly prevents gums bleeding.
Mix ten ml ginger juice with some honey and give it to the patient in the morning, it helps in stool clearly.
Boil one spoon ground ginger with one cup of water for five minutes and thereafter filter it. Constipation is eliminated by taking it.
Mix ginger, puffed gram and black salt together. Taking it provides relief in constipation.
Mix ginger juice, onion juice and water one spoon each together and give it to patient, it prevents vomiting.
Mix five ml ginger juice, some black salt and powder of black pepper together. Vomiting is cured by taking it.
Mix one spoon ginger juice, some black salt and ground black pepper together. Licking this mixture stops vomiting. If the patient does not feel relief, he can take again after one hour.
One should take ten ml ginger juice mixed with equal onion juice because it provides relief in vomiting and nausea.
Mix ginger juice, basil leave’s juice, honey and ash of peacock wing (which is like moon). After that, give this mixture to the patient to stop vomiting.
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and onion juice together thereafter give it to the patient, it prevents vomiting.
Mix juice of ginger, onion, garlic and lemon 20 grams each together. After that, take two spoons this mixture with 125 ml water and one gram backing soda to get relief in vomiting.
Over eating:
Mix 50 grams ginger and 50 grams ground salt (this salt should be ground with lemon juice) together and dry it in sunlight for three days. After that, take one spoon mixture with water after meal twice a day to get relief in over eating and digest the food too.
Stomach gas:
Mix one spoon ginger juice, half spoon lemon juice and honey together. After that, take it to get relief in stomach gas slowly.
Soak ginger in water before going to bed at overnight. In the next morning, grind this ginger with fresh water and prepare syrup from it. After that, take this mixture 3-4 times a day to cure diarrhoea.
The patient should drink one spoon light hot juice of ginger because it helps to stop watered loose motions.
The patient gets relief in diarrhoea by applying ginger juice on the navel.
Mix one spoon ginger juice with half cup boiled water and give it to the patient after every one hour. Using this process is useful to cure diarrhoea.
The patient should lick ginger juice with black salt in the condition of diarrhoea.
Diarrhoea is cured by drinking two ml ginger juice with half cup lukewarm water.
Coat flour of kidney bean around the navel and fill ginger juice in. it provides relief in diarrhoea.
Vomiting and nausea of pregnant woman:
Mix ten ml ginger juice with ten ml onion juice and give it to the suffered woman twice a day because it ends vomiting and nausea.
Ear Pain:
Heat juice ginger or bark of hoarse-radish or bitter gourd or garlic and drip it in the affected ear, it ends ear pain.
If the patient feels pain in the ears due to sticking dirt in the ears, feeling cold, pimples or hurt, filter ginger juice with the help of cloth and heat it. Dripping 3-4 drops of this light hot juice in the ears cures ears pain. If the pain is not cured by dripping this medicine in the ears first time, it can be dropped again.
If the patient feels pain in the ears caused by walking in cold weather, filter five grams warm juice of ginger with the help of cloth and drip it in the ears, it provides relief in pain.
Mix ginger juice, black salt, oil of sesame and honey with water thereafter heat it. Put this preparation in the ears and clean the ears. It provides relief in ear pain.
Dripping light hot juice of ginger in the ears is useful to end ears pain.
Mix radish, ginger and garlic together thereafter separate juice from these. Heat this juice and drip it in the ears, it ends ears pain.
If the patient suffers from ears pain caused by feeling cold, dripping light hot juice of ginger in the ears is useful to end ears pain.
Sprue (Normal Diarrhoea):
Grind 10-20 fruits of nut-grass with ginger juice thereafter give it to the patient with honey twice or thrice a day regularly, it provides relief in sprue.
Make paste by grinding 500 grams ginger and 250 grams pepper together thereafter cook it with 500 grams ghee and. Make powder by grinding some-some quantity of black pepper, chav-chitaver, cobra saffron, pepper root, cardamom, celery seeds, black cumin seed and terminalia chebula together. Now mix above paste with this powder and cast it in one kilogram treacle of jaggery. After that, give 60 grams this medicine to the patient twice a day regularly to cure piles, jaundice, disgust and indigestion.
Waist Pain:
Mix 10 ml ginger juice with 5 grams ghee and take it regularly to end waist pain.
The suffered woman should take three grams caraway powder with hot milk because it makes menstrual excretion normal.
Kidneys disease:
Grind about ¼ grams toasted asafetida with ten ml ginger juice and mix salt in it. Kidney disorders ends by taking this mixture.
Ear diseases:
Filter ginger juice and make light hot. Dripping 2-3 drops of this juice in the ears is useful to end pain, dirt and pimples of the ears.
Tinnitus Aureum (Make a noise in ear):
Grind six ml ginger juice, three grams honey, 0.12 grams black salt and three grams sesame oil together. Dripping 2-3 drops of this mixture in the ear regularly ends ear pain, deafness and tinnitus etc. diseases.
Liver disorders:
The disorders of the liver and spleen are ended by taking one gram fine powder of ginger with water.
Make small pieces of ginger (without peel) and mix salt and lemon juice in it. The patient should take these pieces twice a day after meals regularly in the condition of dyspepsia.
Mix half spoon ginger juice, some black salt and half spoon juice of lemon together. Dyspepsia is cured by taking this mixture after meals twice a day.
Drinking juice of Indian Gooseberry digests the food and increases appetite.
Mix ginger juice, lemon juice and black salt together thereafter give it to the patient before and after meal, it eliminates indigestion.
Mix ten grams ginger, one garlic bud and some black salt with sugarcane juice, dyspepsia is cured by taking it.
Mix ginger with salt and give it to the patient before meal, it provides relief in dyspepsia.
Take ginger (without peel) with salt to increase appetite. It cleans the tongue and throat.
Phlegm (Kapha):
Suck ginger piece equal of pea (without peel), it brings out blocked phlegm.
Bile fever:
Make a decoction by boiling ginger and sesapadula leaves with water thereafter give it to the patient, it decreases fever caused by vomiting, inflammation and phlegm.
All the types of stomach diseases:
Make a powder by grinding one gram ground dry ginger, some asafetida and black salt together. After that, take this powder with lukewarm water as a dose get relief in stomachache.
Take one spoon slender powder of dry ginger and black salt with one glass warm water. It provides relief in stomach pain.
Fry ginger pieces with deshi ghee and mix salt in it according to taste. Stomachache ends by taking these pieces twice a day regularly.
In the case of throat pain, put a small piece of ginger and pieces of clove in a betel-leaf and suck it slowly, it ends throat pain.
Mix five ml ginger juice with five grams honey and give to patient 3-4 times a day, it provides relief in catarrh soon.
Mix one spoon ginger juice and rock salt according to taste together and heat it. After that, give this medicine to the patient twice or thrice a day in winter seasons regularly to cure cold and sneezing.
Mix ten grams ginger with ten grams jaggery and make light. Taking this medicine at bed time regularly is useful to cure relapsing catarrh. Don’t drink water after taking the medicine.
Grind six grams ginger, seven pieces of black pepper, ten leaves of basil and five pieces of clove together thereafter boil it with one of cup water and filter. Mix sugar in this preparation and give to patient to drink. Using this process is useful to cure catarrh.
Grind 3 grams ginger, 6 grams sugar candy and 5 pieces black pepper and cook it with about 30 ml water to make a decoction. After that, take this decoction to cure catarrh.
Spleen enlargement:
This disease is cured by taking about 1-3 ml ginger juice with water.
Nose diseases:
If the patient suffers from sneezing with catarrh, giving three grams ginger to him with six grams jaggery before going to bed is useful to cure sneezing. Don’t drink water after taking this medicine.
Mix ginger juice with betel leaves juice and make the patient drink twice a day as well as coat castor oil on betel-leaf and make warm, and tie it on the patient chest. Using this process provides relief in cough and catarrh.
Catarrh and common cold:
Boil dry ginger and jaggery with water until it remains fourth then filter it and make the patient drink in light hot condition. If someone feels cold and irritation in the throat, give ginger to him to suck or boil small pieces of ginger, caraway, seed of fenugreek and turmeric half-half spoon each with one glass of water until it remains half water then mix jaggery (according to taste) in it. Filter this decoction and give to him at bed time, it cures common cold and catarrh.
Catarrh is cured by taking one ml ginger juice with water twice a day.
Mix honey with 2 spoons warm juice of ginger and give it to the patient, it reduces catarrh.
Smelling ginger juice is useful to break unconsciousness caused by fever.
Mix some cumin seed and one spoon ginger juice with four grams old jaggery and thereafter give it to the patient, it provides relief in allergy.
Heart weakness:
If someone suffers heart weakness, heart pulsation problem or shock, he should take one cup of warm decoction of dry ginger with salt regularly to get relief in the heart weakness, heart pulsation and shock.
Heart diseases:
Mix half spoon ginger juice with half spoon honey and lick it with the help of finger slowly. It provides relief in heart problems.
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and water together thereafter give it to the patient, it ends heart disorders.
Moles and warts:
Cut a small piece of ginger and peel it and make its front part sharp. Apply some lime on the mole and rub ginger piece from sharp side on the mole slowly. Using this process ends the mole without any operation and also any mark does not originate. Only some swelling occurs in beginning.
Mix equal quantity of ginger juice and milk together and after that give it to the patient to smell, it ends headache.
Grind ginger juice, jaggery, black salt and together thereafter smell it with water. It is useful to cure all the types of head diseases.
If someone suffers from headache caused by warmth, drip ginger juice in both the nostrils to end headache caused by warmth.
Grind ginger with milk of cow or mother and coat it on the forehead, it ends headache.
Mix ginger decoction with milk and smell it to end headache caused by different types of disorders.
White spots:
Soak fifteen grams Malaya tea and thirty ml ginger juice in water until consume whole juice and Malaya tea then grind it with 45 grams sugar. After that, take one spoon this medicine with cold water once a day after one hour of meals regularly to get relief in white spots.
Throat swelling:
Mix one spoon ginger juice, powder of 2 cloves and half pinch asafoetida together. All the types of throat diseases are cured by licking this mixture.
Kapha and Pitta disorders:
Make a decoction by boiling ginger and parwal leaves with water thereafter give it to the patient, it ends bile disorders caused by phlegm.
Make a hole into ginger and fill 120 milligrams asafetida in it thereafter wrap it with a cloth and toast. Prepare small tablets equal of pea from this preparation. After that, suck 1-1 tablet eight times a day to get relief in hoarseness. Mix ginger juice with honey and give to patient to lick, it cures hoarseness.
Mix half spoon ginger juice with fourth cup of lukewarm water and drink it after every half hour 4 times in a day. It cures hoarseness caused by cold or eating sour food stuff. Fill some ginger juice in the throat for sometimes or juice should not be swallowed for sometimes. It is useful to cure hoarseness.