Herbal plants and medicinal properties

Botanical Name - Medicago Satina
Indian Name - Alfalfa
ALFALFA is nutritionally on of the most versatile herbs yet discovered. It is a leguminous herb which grows up to 50 cms in height. It has rich green alternate leaves, purplish flowers and adapts itself to widely varying conditions of soil and climate. Alfalfa appears to have been discovered by the Arabs who called it the 'king of kings' of plants and the father of all foods. Alfalfa is a native of Europe. It is now widely cultivated in the temperate regions, the subtropics and higher altitudes in the tropics. It is grown through out India. Alfalfa is a valuable source of vitamins A, B, D, E and G. It also has some vitamin C and K. The rich quality and quantity and proper balance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, potassium and silicon is of special value in Alfalfa.
Properties :- The seeds, leaves and stems of the alfalfa plant have important properties- derived from the root of the plant which reach up to 12 meters in the subsoil and absorb the elusive trace minerals from the depths. The most important this trace minerals is manganese which is vital to the human digestive system in its manufacture of insulin. Alfalfa is an outstanding alkalizing food. Alfalfa build up for a healthy and vigorous old age and resistance to infection.

Botanical Name - Pimpinella anisum
Indian Name - Velaiti saunf
Anise is an annual culinary herb belonging to ajwain or celery family. Its fruit, known as aniseed, is one of the oldest spices. The seed is ground-grey to greyish-brown in colour, oval in shape and 3.2 to 4.8 mm in length. It requires sunshine and warmth and does not grow satisfactorily in the tropical lowlands. Aniseed is a native of the Middle East. It was cultivated by ancient Egyptians, who valued its medicinal properties and culinary uses.Anise oil is a colourless or pale-yellow liquid, with the characteristic odour and taste of the fruit.
Properties :- Aniseed is esteemed in medicine for its properties to relieve flatulence and to remove catarrhal and phelgm from the bronchial tube. These properties are due to the presence of the essential oil. The seed also copious perspiration and increases the volume and discharge of urine.

    ARJUNA Top
Botanical Name - Terminalia arjuna
Indian Name - Kahu
Arjuna is a dense tree attaining a height of 20 to 27 meters. It has long ,cone-shaped round leaves and white bark which gives out milky juice when cut. Mainly the bark of the tree is used in medicines.
This tree has been named Nadisarjja in the early Sanskrit treatises, wherein its bark has been described as a cardiac tonic. Arjuna tree is indigenous to India. It is found throughout the sub-Himalayan tracts, the Deccan regions Myanmar and Srilanka. It grows chiefly along water channels or marshy belts. The bark contains unusually large quantities of calcium, aluminium and magnesium. It also contains a crystallic compound arjunine, lactone, arjunetin, essential oil, sugar and the colouring matter. In ayurveda the arjuna is beneficial in the treatment of asthma.
Properties :- The bark of the arjuna tree is a cardiac stimulant and has cooling and tonic effects. It is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. It helps to relieve fever. It is also useful in removing calculi or stones formed in the urinary system.


Botanical Name - Ferula northex
Indian Name - Hing
Asafoetida is a resinous gum of a tall perennial herb, with robust carrot-shaped roots. It is dirty yellow in color with a pungent smell.    
It is used as a flavouring agent and forms a constituent of many spice mixture. Asafoetida has several varieties which are distributed from the Mediterranean region to central Asia. An analysis of Asafoetida shows it to consist of carbohydrates 67.8 per 100 gms, moisture 16.0 per cent, protein 4.0 per cent, fat 1.1 per cent, minerals 7.0 per cent and fibre 4.1 per cent. Its minerals and vitamin contents include substantial calcium besides phossphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin and niacin.
Properties :- Asafoetida has been heald in great esteem amongst indigenous medicines from the earliest times in India. It is reputed as a drug which expels wind from the stomach and counteracts any spasmodic disorders. It is also a digestive agent and a sedactive. 

Botanical Name - Acacia arabica
Indian Name - Kikar
    Acacia properly known as babul, is a large tree up to 14 meters high, with thorns on its branches. It has darkish greay bark and yello flowers in the spherical heads. Babul tree is indigenous to Sind in Pakistan. It occurs wild in India and tropical Africa. The bark of babul tree contains tannin and gallic acid. The leaves and fruits of the tree also contain tannin and gallic acid. The various parts of babul tree is useful in diarrhoea. The bark of the babul tree is useful in the treatment of eczema.
Properties :- The leaves, the bark the pods and the gum of the tree have medicinal virtues. The leaves and the bark are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The pods help remove catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. The gum allays any irritation of the skin and soothes the inflamed membranes of the pharynx, alimentary canal and genito-urinary organs.

Botanical Name - Bambusa bambos
Indian Name - Bans
The bamboo is a perennial tree which grows upto a height of 12 meters .Every year between July and October, new shoots sprout at the base of the tree. Bamboo trees are always found in clusters. The stem of the tree is round, smooth and hollow. Nodes are swollen. Bamboo is presumed to have originated in Asia. The tree grows wild throughout most parts of India, especially in the hilly forests of western and southern India but it is cultivated in the lower Himalayas.
Properties :- The leaves of bamboo tree are stimulant, aromatic and tonic. They are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders, and arrest secretion or bleeding. They are also an effective aphrodisiac. The leaves do not have any prominent taste.
Botanical Name - Piper betle
Indian Name - Pan
The betel plant is a slender, aromatic creeper, rooting at the nodes. The branches of the plant are swollen at the nodes. The plant has alternate, heart-shaped, smooth, shining and long stalked leaves, with pointed apex. It has five to seven ribs arising from the base; minute flowers and one-seeded spherical small berries. Betel is the native of central and eastern Malaysia. Recent studies have shown that betel leaves contains tannins, sugar and diastases and an essential oil. The essential oil is a light yellow liquid of of aromatic odour and sharp burning in taste.    
Properties :- Betel leaf has been used from ancient times as an aromatic stimulant and antiflatulent. It is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding and is an aphrodisiac. Its leaf is used in several common household remedies

Botanical Name :- Ficus bengalensis
Indian Name :- Bar
The banayan tree is well known all over India. The tree has what is known as the 'aerial roots'; its branches drop to the ground , take roots again, and send out more twisting and trailing branches, thus extending the growth of the tree indefinitely. The name Banyan tree in English seems to have been given by Europeans in the Persian Gulf to the particular tree of this species under which Banias or members of the Indian merchant class used to congregate for worship and business.
Properties :- The Banyan has many medicinal properties. It is used in traditional medicine for the treatment of several ailments. The bark and leaf buds of the tree are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding.
    Bishop's weed is a small, erect, annual shrub, with soft fine hairs. It has many branched leafy; feather-like leaves 2.5 cm. long and 4 to 12 ray flower heads, each bearing 6 to 16 flowers. the fruits are minute, egg-shaped and greyish. The trade name of ajuwain is based on the Indian name which is derived from adarjawa. Ajuwain has been used as a carminative medicine from the time of Charaka and Sushruta.
Properties :- The seeds are stimulant and are useful in counteracting spasmodic disorders. the oil of ajuwain is an almost colourless to brownish liquid with characteristic odour and sharp hot taste .
Botanical Name :- Salanum nigrum
Indian Name :- Makoy or Manathakkali
The black nightshade , also known as sun berry or wonder cherry , is a small erect and delicate annual herb. It forms a spreading crown , grows diffusedly with several arching branches upto one metre in height. The stems and branches are smooth and soft. The black nightshade is a native in West Africa , but is now grown all over India as well.
Properties :- The black nightshade is use as an important ingredient in several Indian medicines. It is a valuable cardiac tonic. It corrects disordered Process of nutrition by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports, utilises and excretes food substances, and restores the normal function of the system. It also reduces excitement, irritation and pain.


Botanical Name :- Butea monosperma
Indian Name :- Palas
Butea, also known as "flame of the forest", is a well known tree of India. Butea is a medium sized tree with compound leaves. The leaves fall in winter and flowers bloom in February-March. This herb is indigenous to India. The trade name butea, is based on the scientific name of the plant. The tree is found chiefly in the mixed or dry deciduous forest of central and Western Asia.
Properties :- The butea gum, the seeds and leaves of the tree have medicinal properties. The leaves of the tree are tonic and aphrodisiac. They are useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The gum of the tree is useful in the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. The seeds are administered internally, either in the form of powder or make into a paste with honey as an anthelmintic to kill intestinal worms. They are specially useful in the treatment of roundworms and tapeworms. Butea herb is also useful for the treatment of Skin disorders, Diabetes, Sore throat and Leucorrhoea.  

Botanical Name - Ellettaria Cardamom
Indian Name - Chhoti elaichi
Cardamom is the 'queen of spices'. It is one of the most valued spices in the world. Cardamom grows as the perennial herb with thick, fleshy rhizomes or underground stems shooting leafy roots and with leafy stems. It has very large leaves, white or pale green tree -celled flowers, many-seeded pale green to yellow fruits and triangular brownish-black seeds.
Properties :- The aroma and therapeutic properties of cardamom are due to its volatile oil. Tinctures of cardamom are used chiefly in medicines to relieve flatulence and for strengthening digestion activities.
Botanical Name - Carum carvi
Indian Name - Siya jeera
    The caraway plant is a biennial herb usually with a fleshy root and slender, branched stems. It has feather- like leaves like leaves divided into very narrow segments small white flowers. The fruit, when ripe, splits into narrow, elongated carples, which are curved, pointed at the ends and have four longitudinal ridges on the surface. The analysis of caraway seeds shows it to contain appreciable moisture, protein, fat, substantial amount of carvone, is obtained from caraway seeds. This oil is colorless or pale with a strong odour and flavors of the fruit.
Properties :- The caraway seeds, leaves and roots are considered useful in activating the glands, besides increasing the action of the kidneys. It is characterized as an excellent 'house cleaner' for the body. Caraway oil is used in medicine to relieve flatulence.

Botanical Name :- Cassia fistula
Indian Name :- Amaltas
Cassia or purging cassia is one of the most beautiful trees of India. It is a small to medium-sized tree with compound leaves and large , shining , dark green leaflets. It has bright yellow flowers in very large, hanging branches and black or shining dark brown, 50 to 60 cm. long almost cylindrical fruits. The tree is known as Indian Laburnum owing to its resemblance in colour and profusion of flowers with the European Laburnum. The trade name is based on its scientific name but the specific name fistula, which means a shepherd's pipe, refers to the shape of its fruit.
Properties :-All the parts of the tree have medical properties. The fruits are, however most important and are included in the Indian Pharmaceutical codex. Its is commonly used for cold, fever, intestinal disorders, aguesia and skin disorders.
Botanical Name :- Apium graveolens
Indian Name :- Ajmod or Ajwain-ka-patta
Celery is an important salad plant, consisting of the bulbous roots, green leaves and stem. The leaves sprout directly from the fleshy roots. The fruits are small in size, dark brown in colour and have a peculiar flavour when cut open. The seeds are brown in colour. celery has been in cultivation for more than 2,000 years. It was known to the Chinese from the fifth century B.C . In England , it was known as smallage and used in medicines. It is a native of Europe and Asia.
Properties :- Celery which means quick acting ,and presumably refers to its therapeutic properties. The green leaves and stem of the bulbous roots are all extremely rich in active ingredients that make celery an important medical plant. It has a well balanced content of a basic minerals , vitamins and nutrients, besides a good concentration of plant hormones and essential oils that gives celery its strong and characteristic smell. These oils have a specific effect on the regulation of the nervous system with their tranquilizing properties. They are tonic , laxative and stimulant. They correct spasmodic disorders and can be used for aborting unwanted pregnancies.
Botanical Name :-Chichorium intybus
Indian Name :-Kasni
Chicory is a perennial herb with a long tap root. Chicory is a native to the Mediterranean region or possibly eastern India. Chicory has been mentioned as a special skin nourisher by ancient herbalists. A tea made from the pale blue flowers of this plant was said to give glowing skin.
Properties :- Chicory is a tonic herb when taken in moderate quantities . It increases the secretion and discharge of urine. It is also a stimulant and mild laxative . This herb helps the functions of liver and gall bladder. Chicory contains food elements which are constantly needed by the optic system. It is one of the richest source of Vitamin A which is very useful for the eyes. This herb is also used for the treatment of Anemia, Liver complaints, respiratory disorders and Obstructed Menstruation.
Botanical Name :- Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Indian Name :- Dalchini
Cinnamon is an evergreen tree which is small and bushy. Dried leaves of cinnamon, along with its dried inner bark are used all over the as a spice or condiment. The bark of a tree is thick, smooth and light or dark brownish in colour. The inner bark is obtained from carefully selected shoots. Cinnamon tree was known to ancient physicians even before 27 BC. The Chinese used the bark of this tree is a medicine. Cinnamon is a native of Sri Lanka and Asia. An analysis of Cinnamon shows it to consist of moisture, protein, fat, fibre, carbohydrates and ash , iron, sodium, potassium, niacin, Vitamin A and C. Cinnamon also contains an essential oil known as cinnamon oil.    
Properties :- Cinnamon leaves are used in the form of powder or decoction. They are stimulant and useful in relieving flatulence and in increasing secretion and discharge of urine. Cinnamon prevents nervous tension, improves complexion and memory. Cinnamon is an effective medicine for common cold. Cinnamon checks nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It stimulates digestion. Cinnamon serves as a good mouth freshner. It is also useful headache and Acne.
Botanical Name :- Coriandrum sativum
Indian Name :- Dhania
Coriander is both an annual and perennial herb. It is erect , sweet smelling and grows up to 20 cms in length with many branches. The stem is feeble, smooth and light green in colour. Leaves are compound, thin, and easily breakable. They have a sweet fragrance.
Properties:- The leaves of coriander are stimulant and tonic. they strengthen the stomach and promote its action, relieve flatulence, increase secretion and discharge of urine and reduce fever.
Botanical Name :- Cuminum cyminum
Indian Name :- Jeera
    Cumin is an annual herb with a smooth surface and long slender root. It grows up to the height of 356 to 40 cm.
It produces a stem with many branches. The dried seed forms an essential ingredient of curry powder. Cumin is a native of Egypt, Syria, Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean region. It was one of the common spices used in the middle ages. The analysis of cumin seeds shows them to consist of moisture 6.2 %, protein 17.7% , fat 23.8 % , fibre 9.1% , carbohydrates 35.5 and mineral matter 7.7% per 100 gms. Their minerals and vitamin contains are calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium , Vitamins C & vitamin A.
Properties :- The fruit is a rich source of thymol. Thymol is used as an anthelmintic against hookworm infections and also as an antiseptic in many proporietary preparations. It is a stimulant, which increases the secretion and discharge of urine and relieves flatulence.

Botanical Name :- Murraya koenigi
Indian Name :- Curry patta
Curry leaves are derived from beautiful, aromatic and more or less deciduous shrub growing up to 0.9 metres, or a small downy tree, up 6 meters in height and 15 to 40 cms. in diameter. The leave are slightly bitter and aromatic. The curry tree is a native of India and Sri Lanka. Their minerals and vitamin contents are calcium ,phosphorus, iron, nicotinic acid and Vitamin C. Fresh leaves on steam distillation under pressure yield a volatile
Properties :- Curry leaves possess the qualities of a herbal tonic . they strengthen the functions of stomach and promote its action. They are also used as a mild laxative. The leaves may be taken mixed with other mild tasting herbs. It is used for digestive disorders, diabetes, burns & bruises, eye disorders, insect bites etc.


Botanical Name :- Taraxacum officinale
Indian Name :- Kukraundha or Kanphool
Dandelion is a hardly perennial herb and a tasty salad vegetable The flower stems of this plant grows up to a height of 30 cm. The sharply-toothed leaves from flat rosettes on the ground.. The common name dandelion comes from the French dent de lion, meaning lion's tooth and refers to the dentate leaf edges. A very common plant ,dandelion grows wild almost everywhere. Dandelion is a native of Europe. In India it is found through Himalayas. Nutritionally, the dandelion has remarkable value. It contains almost as much iron as spinach, four times a Vitamin A content. An analysis of dandelion shows it to consist of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Its mineral and Vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, Vitamin A and C. Its calorific value is 45.
Properties:- The entire herbal plant is used by many herbalist, although the tea is usually brewed from its root, which are a tonic. It increases the secretion and discharge of urine and acts as a mild purgative. The juice of this herb is every effective for bone disorders. Dandelion benefits both liver and gall bladder in their vital role of handling fats within the body and aiding the detoxifying role of the liver. It is useful in the disorder of these organs. Dandelion can be used as a general body tonic for its influence in supporting waste function of bowels, bladder and skin . Dandelion is useful in the treatment of warts also.
Botanical Name :- Datura stramonium
Indian Name :- Dhatura
    Datura is a bushy plant growing up to one metre in height. It has large egg-shaped leaves, very large white flowers and egg-shaped fruits covered with prickles. Datura is referred to in ancient Indian literature as shivashekherea because the flowers are believed to be associated with Lord Siva. It was known to be ancient Hindu physicians .They find the drug as an intoxicant, with emetic , digestive and healing powers. Smoking for datura seeds as a treatment for asthma was known during the Vedic period. Datura is indigenous to India. The leaves of the plant contain alkaloids.
Properties:-The dried leaves and seeds of datura are used as antispasmodic under critical conditions of asthma and whooping cough. This is mainly used for British and United States. Datura possesses properties analogous to those of belladonna. It counteracts spasmodic disorders and induces deep sleep. Datura herb is very useful in asthma, when the smoke from the burning leaves are inhaled. The leaves rolled like cigarettes can be smoked to relieve from asthmatic attacks. Datura fruit is a specific remedy for phlegmatic and bilious type of malarial fever. Other uses of this herb is in heart disorders, earache, baldness, problem of breast milk secretion.
Botanical Name:- Anethum Sowa
Indian Name :- Sowa
Dill is an annual or biennial herb. It has smooth surface , finely dissected leaves, small yellow flowers and elliptic, flattened fruits. The single stalks grow to a height of 1 meter. Dill is native to the Mediteranean region, South Raussia and Scandinavia. It has been in the cultivation for more than 2,000 yrs. and is now grown widely in Asia minor, North Africa, India and in all other countries. An analysis of of Indian dill shows    
Properties :- Dill leaves are stimulant. They are useful in increasing secretion and discharge of urine and in counteracting spasmodic disorders. They are a soothing medicine and help to improve the functioning of the stomach. This herb is used regularly to avoid digestion and prevents constipation. This herb is specially useful for children. Dill oil obtained by the distillation of the seeds , is also an effective medicine for hyperacidity, flatulent colic, hiccup and diarrhoea due to indigestion. Dill is useful in stimulating and regulating menstrual flow. It is effective in spasmodic menstrual pain in girls and absence of menstruation due to anemia. 

Botanical Name :- Ephedra gerardiana wall
Indian Name :- Asmania
Ephedra is a small plant about one meter high. It has many branched stems, leaves, reduced to two-toothed sheaths or covering. The ayurvedic name of this herb is somlata. The ephedra is indigenous to India and contains alkaloids. The principal alkaloids is ephedrine which is similar to adrenaline in pharmacological action. The other alkaloid contained in the herb is pseudo-ephedrine.
Properties :-The main use of ephedra is in the treatment of asthma particularly bronchial asthma. The powder of the herb in doses ranging from 0. to 2.0 gm. should be swallowed with water in such symptoms. The powder as well as infusion of ephedra is useful in acute rheumatism. It is used continuously for 10 to 12 days will relieve painful, inflamed joins and leave the patient healthy. It is very useful for rheumatic troubles. Another use of this herb is heart disorders. 

Botanical Name :- Trigonella foenum graecum
Indian Name :- Methi
Fenugreek is an erect, strongly scented, robust, annual herb about 30 to 80 cms. high. It has compound leaves of light green colour. The seeds are brownish-yellow and have a peculiar odour. Fenugreek is a native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia..
    Properties :-Fenugreek has excellent medicinal virtues. Its regular use helps the body clean and healthy. The leaves of Fenugreek are aromatic, cooling and mild laxative. The seeds are exercise soothing effect on the skin and membranes, relieving any irritation of skin and removing the swelling and pain. They are the best cleansers within the body and highly a soothing agents. Fenugreek leaves are beneficial in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence and sluggish liver. Fenugreek seeds can also be taken for diabetes. The normal dose is 2 teaspoons of powdered seeds taken daily in soup or milk. Fenugreek seeds are useful in the removal of dandruff also. Other uses of Fenugreek is in the treatment of anaemia, fevers, stomach disorders, respiratory infections, Bad Breath and Body Odour

Botanical Name :- Allium Sativum
Indian Name :- Lahsoon
Garlic is an stiff herb of the onion family, normally grown as an annual .It has irregular roots, condensed, flattenrd stem and narrow flat leaves. Garlic has been highly valued for centuries all over the world for its health building qualities. Garlic is believed to have a native of Central Asia. It is continues to be one of the staple spices of the Chinese diet till today. Its minerals and vitamin contains are calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamin C. It also contains traces of iodine, sulphur compounds. They also contain antiseptic and hypotensive or causing low blood pressure principles-allicin, allisatin I and allisatin II.    
Properties :- Garlic is a herbal medicine which has been traditionally used for asthma. deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion , worms and liver and gall bladder trouble. Garlic is good for heart disease. It is useful for leucoderma, leprosy, piles, worms, catarrhal disorders, asthma and cough. Garlic is useful in the treatment of tuberculosis. In ayurveda, a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis. Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night with excellent results in asthma. Other uses of Garlic is the treatment of digestive disorders, high blood pressure, Rheumatism, Heart attack, cancer, whooping cough and skin disorders.
Botanical Name:- Zingiber officinale
Indian Name :- Adrak
    Ginger is a perennial herb, with underground branching stems which are swollen and tough. The leaves and rhizomes of ginger have a characteristic fragrance when cut or bruised. There are numerous reference to ginger in Sanskrit literature and Chines medical treatises. The Sanskrit name of ginger is Singabera . Ginger has been used as a medicine in India from vedic period and is called maha-aushadhi, it means a great medicine. The physicians of ayurveda considered this as a carminative or anti-flatulent. Ginger is believed to have originated in India and was introduced in China at very early date. An analysis of fresh fresh ginger shows it to contain moisture 80.9 per cent, protein 2.3 per cent, fat 0.9 per cent, minerals 1.2 per cent, fibre 2.4 per cent and carbohydrates 12.3 per cent per 100 grms.
Ginger is a perennial herb, with underground branching stems which are swollen and tough. The leaves and rhizomes of ginger have a characteristic fragrance when cut or bruised. There are numerous reference to ginger in Sanskrit literature and Chines medical treatises. The Sanskrit name of ginger is Singabera . Ginger has been used as a medicine in India from vedic period and is called maha-aushadhi, it means a great medicine. The physicians of ayurveda considered this as a carminative or anti-flatulent. Ginger is believed to have originated in India and was introduced in China at very early date. An analysis of fresh fresh ginger shows it to contain moisture 80.9 per cent, protein 2.3 per cent, fat 0.9 per cent, minerals 1.2 per cent, fibre 2.4 per cent and carbohydrates 12.3 per cent per 100 grms.
Properties :- Ginger is widely used in local medicine in India. It is used internally as a stimulating an d carminative and is used externally as a rubefacient that is, counter-irritant for relief of muscular pain. Ginger is useful in the treatment of flatulence, colic, vomiting, spasms and other painful affections of the stomach. This herb is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice is mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey is a mixer which is used for fever and influenza. Half teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with fresh lime and mint juices and a tablespoon of honey is an effective medicine for dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting. Other uses of this herbs are respiratory disorders, impotency, menstrual disorders, aches and pains. Ginger is available in two forms fresh and dried, both forms are effective.

Botanical Name :- Lawsonia Inermis
Indian Name :- Mehndi
    Henna is a middle-sized shrub with many branches. It has small white or pinkish fragrant flower and large branches and small fruits. The trade name henna is based on the word hina which is an Arabic name of the drug. The plant occurs in several parts of India. It is cultivated for commercial purposes in Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. The leaves contain a glucoside colouring matter and hennotanic acid.
Properties :- The leaves have medicinal properties like arresting secretion or bleeding and preventing skin diseases. The bark and seeds of the plant are used in the ayurvedic and unani medicine. The seeds of the henna plant are effective in the treatment of dysentery. They are powdered mixed with ghee and made into small balls of betel nut. It is also very helpful in this condition. The bark of the plant is effective in the treatment of liver disorders like jaundice and enlargement of the liver .Henna helps in the treatment of baldness. Mustard oil boiled with henna leaves promotes healthy growth of hair. Henna leaves are beneficial in the treatment of prickly heat. The leaves ground with water are applied over the affected area. Henna flower cures headaches caused by the heat of the sun. The headache is relieved by the plaster made of henna flowers in vinegar and applied over the forehead. Henna leaves are effective in the treatment of skin problems like boils and burns. They are locally applied in the affected area. The decoction of the leaves can be used as gargle with beneficial results in case of sore throat.
Botanical Name:- Boerhaavia diffusa
Indian Name :- Punarnava
Hog Weed is a creeping and spreading perennial herb. The leaves of the plant are simple, broad, rough, thick and brittle. The flowers are pink or red in colour. The fruits are oval shape , dull-green or brownish in colour. The plant contains crystalline acid known as boerhavic acid, potassium nitrate and brown mass consisting of tannins, phlobaphenes and reducing sugars. The active principle of Hog weed is the alkaloid punarnavine.
Properties:- The herb has been used in indigenous medicine from time immemorial. It is laxativeand produces a cooling sensation. The most important part of the herb is the root. It has a bitter and nauseous taste. Hog weed increases the secretion and discharge of urine. the herb is useful for in the treatment of ascites. It is disease characterised by accumulation of fluid inside the peritoneal cavity of the abdomen. The herb can be administrated in the same manner as for dropsy. The drug is useful in strengthening the stomach and promoting its action. Hog weed is useful in the treatment of fever, asthma and skin diseases.
Botanical Name:-Ocimum sanctum
Indian Name :- Tulsi
Holy Basil is a many branched ,robust and aromatic herb. The plant has tender, egg-shaped leaves, usually smooth upto 2.5cm in length. Its flowers are small, purplish or reddish. The herb is bitter and pungent. It is grown in flower pots in most Hindu homes. This herb has been known from the vedic period. Hindus regard it as an earthly manifestation of goddess Vrindavani who is dear to Lord Vishnu. Holy Basil is a native of India.   
Properties:- This herb has many medicinal properties. The leaves are nerve tonic and sharpen memory. The leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. The seeds of the plant are mucilaginous or stuffy and nourishing This herb increases the volume of urine. The leaves of basil are specific for many fevers. Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as a drink in the case of sore throat. This water can also be used as a gargle. This herb is also useful for the treatment of respiratory system disorders. The decoction of the leaves with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, cough and cold. Basil has a strengthening effect of kidney. Basil has a beneficial effect in cardiac disease and weakness resulting from them. The juice of basil leaves are effective for the problems like cough, cold, fever and diarrhoea.

Botanical Name:- Emblica officinalis
Indian Name :- Amla
Indian gooseberry is a small or middle-sized tree. The branches of the tree appear feathery. The tree has pale green flowers usually in small dense clusters below the leaves. The fruit has a seed inside with three angles and three sides. Indian gooseberry has been used as a valuable ingredient of various medicines in India and Middle East. In ayurveda it is the best of all acidi fruits and most useful for health and in treating diseases. It is valued chiefly for its high Vitamin C content. The Vitamin C value of amla increases further when the juice is extracted from the fruit. the dehydrated berry provides 2428 to 3470 mgs of Vitamin C per 100 gms.
Properties:- Indian gooseberry is a wonder herb and one of the precious gift of nature to man. It contributes greatly towards health and longevity. Ayurvedic physicians use this herb very commonly in their medicines and regard it as a medicine for heart and health problems. The fruit is acrid, cooling, refreshing and laxative. It increases the volume of urine. The raw fruit is mild purgative. The flowers of the tree are cooling, refreshing and mild purgative. Indian gooseberry is beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It is especially valuable in tuberculosis of the lungs. This herb due to its high Vitamin C content is effective in controlling diabetes. Indian gooseberry is an effective medicine for heart disease. The juice of Indian gooseberry is useful in preserving eye sight. It is beneficial to the treatment of conjunctivitis and glaucoma. Another use of this herb is the treatment of Rheumatism, Scurvy, Diarrhoea and ageing. Indian gooseberry is an accepted hair tonic in traditional recipes.
Botanical Name:- Centella asiatica
Indian Name:- Khulakudi or Brahmamanduki
Indian Pennywort is a perennial wild creeper which grows horizontally and is small and smooth. It has slight branches and small internodes. The leaves of the branch are simple or thick ,almost round or kidney shaped and yellowish green in colour. The fresh leaves have an aroma due to the presence of an oily matter called vellarine. The aroma is lost on drying .Indian Pennywort is a native to India.
Properties:- The Indian Pennywort corrects disordered processes of nutrition. It's leaves are beneficial in improving memory. This herb is effective in nervous disorders including nervous debility. Other uses of Indian Pennywort is in the treatment of Female sterility, Elephantiasis and skin disorders.
Botanical Name:- Oxalis corniculata
Indian Name :- Amboti-ki-patti
Indian sorrel is a small, hairy, annual herb. The stem of the plant is very thin, delicate, very thin and smooth. It has pale green compound leaves. The herb is native to India. It grows wild during monsoon and on wet grounds. The flowers of the plant are sour due to a high content of oxalic acid and potassium oxalate. The herb is rich in vitamin B1, iron and calcium. the leaves of this herb contain a small amount of cellulose.
Properties:- The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astringent. It has a predominantly acid taste. This leaves have a cooling effect and act as an appetizer. The leaves are useful in relieving symptoms of fever. An infusion of the leaves can bring temperature down. The leaves of this herb are useful in the prevention and treatment of scurvy . It is a deficiency caused by lack of vitamin C. Fresh leaves of the plant are useful in stimulating the stomach and aiding its action. The herb is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. A tablespoon of fresh juice mixed with butter-milk made of cow's milk can be taken once daily in the treatment of this disease. Other uses of this herbs are skin disorders, eye disorders, insomnia and excessive thirst.  

Botanical Name :- Solanum xanthocarpum
Indian name :- Kateli
Kantakari, is known as Indian Solanum is a prickly , branches-perennial herb. The branches are covered with minute star-shaped hairs. The plant has yellow shining prickles of about 1.5cm in size. This herb is a native of India. The fruit of a plant yields carpesteral, glucoside-alkaloids and solanocarpine. It also yields glucoside-alkaloids, solamine-S. On hydrolysis it yields alkaloid solanidine-S.
Properties :- The root are commonly used in Ayurveda for medicinal ingredients, it is to treat several common ailments. Kantakariis useful in clearing catarrh and phelgm from the bronchial tubes. It is used for the treatment of respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis and cough. The herb can be used to treat constipation and flatulence. Kantakari is useful in the treatment of dropsy, a disease marked by an excessive collection of a fluids in the tissues and cavities or natural hollows of the body. Other uses of this herb are throat disorders, gum disorders, snake bites , chest pain and certain types of fevers.

Botanical Name :- Azadirachta indica
Indian name :- Neem
Margosa is a very common tree in India. It is a large evergreen tree growing some 10 to 10.5 metre tall. The leaves of this trees are divided into numerous leaflets each resembling a full-grown leaf. This herb is a native of South Asia. The seeds contain substantial amount of essential oil known as Margosa or neem oil. The bitter constituents separated from this oil are nimbin, nimbinin and inmbidin. The flowers contain a bitter substance and irritant bitter oil.

Properties :- Neem tree is generally considered to be an air purifier and a preventive against malarial fever and cholera. All parts of the tree possess medicinal properties. The leaves are useful in relieving flatulence, promoting the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes and in increasing secretion and discharge of urine. The gum discharged by the stem is stimulant and tonic with soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes. It is beneficial to the treatment of malaria, piles, leprosy, skin disorders, eye disorders, oral disorders and ear ailments.

Botanical Name :- Glycyrrhiza glabra
Indian name :- Mulethi
Liquorice is a popular flavouring agent. It is a tall, erect herb growing up to 1.5 meters height. It has compound leaves, lilac or light violet flowers, flat fruit and is densely covered with small spinous outgrowths. It was used for its rejuvenating properties especially when used for long periods. It was used to quench thirst, alleviate feverishness, pain, cough and distress of breathing. Liquorice plays an important role in ayurvedic system of medicine and is one of the principle drugs mentioned by Susruta. Liquorice is cultivated in southern Europe, Syria , Iraq, Turkey, Greece and Russia. Large quantities of these roots are annualy improved in India. The herb contains glycyrrhizin, glycryrhizic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid.
    Properties :- The root of the plant is a laxative and expectorant. When externally used it as a soothing effect on the skin. Liquorice is an excellent remedy for relieving pain, discomfort and other symptoms caused by bitter matter in the stomatch. It should be taken in a powder form. This herb is used in a home remedy for sour throat. Liquorice is used in the treatment of myopia. Half teaspoon of the powder of the root mixed with a equal amount of honey and half quantity ghee can be given to the patient twice a day. Liquorice is very effective in treating pain due to stomach ulcers. Liquorice is useful in muscular pains. Other uses of this herbs are mouth disorders, baldness, wounds and scalds and corns.

Botanical Name :- Madhuca indica
Indian name :- Mahua
Madhuca also known as butter tree is a large tree with 20 meters height. The bark, leaves, flowers and seeds of the tree constitute the drug. The name Madhuca comes from the Sanskrit name of the plant. The tree is native of the central India. It is common to the mountainous regions of Himalayas. The leaves of the tree contain alkaloid glucosidic saponin. the seeds contain a fatty oil.
Properties :- Madhuca is useful in arresting secretions or bleeding because of its tannin content. The bark of the tree is an astringent and tonic. The flowers of the tree help the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. They also exercise the soothing effect of the skin. A decoction of the bark can be given internally in rheumatic diseases. It is also be taken in diabetes mellitus with beneficial results. Madhuca oil extracted from the seeds has laxative properties. It helps cure piles by relieving chronic constipation. The leaves of Madhuca are effective in the treatment of eczema.
Botanical Name :- Madhuca indica
Indian name :- Mahua
Madhuca also known as butter tree is a large tree with 20 meters height. The bark, leaves, flowers and seeds of the tree constitute the drug. The name Madhuca comes from the Sanskrit name of the plant. The tree is native of the central India. It is common to the mountainous regions of Himalayas. The leaves of the tree contain alkaloid glucosidic saponin. the seeds contain a fatty oil.
Properties :- Madhuca is useful in arresting secretions or bleeding because of its tannin content. The bark of the tree is an astringent and tonic. The flowers of the tree help the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes. They also exercise the soothing effect of the skin. A decoction of the bark can be given internally in rheumatic diseases. It is also be taken in diabetes mellitus with beneficial results. Madhuca oil extracted from the seeds has laxative properties. It helps cure piles by relieving chronic constipation. The leaves of Madhuca are effective in the treatment of eczema.
Botanical Name :- Azadirachta indica
Indian name :- Neem
Margosa is a very common tree in India. It is a large evergreen tree growing some 10 to 10.5 metre tall. The leaves of this trees are divided into numerous leaflets each resembling a full-grown leaf. This herb is a native of South Asia. The seeds contain substantial amount of essential oil known as Margosa or neem oil. The bitter constituents separated from this oil are nimbin, nimbinin and inmbidin. The flowers contain a bitter substance and irritant bitter oil.

Properties :- Neem tree is generally considered to be an air purifier and a preventive against malarial fever and cholera. All parts of the tree possess medicinal properties. The leaves are useful in relieving flatulence, promoting the removal of catarrhal matter and phlegm from the bronchial tubes and in increasing secretion and discharge of urine. The gum discharged by the stem is stimulant and tonic with soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes. It is beneficial to the treatment of malaria, piles, leprosy, skin disorders, eye disorders, oral disorders and ear ailments. 

Botanical Name :- Myristica fragrans Top
Indian name :- Jaiphal
Nutmeg is a dried kernel of the seed of an evergreen tree. It has a strong aroma with a slightly bitter taste. Nutmeg tree grows in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and West Indies. Nutmeg contains an essential oil and saponin. The dry, ripe trees of the fruit contain a volatile oil and fixed oil. The dry leaves of the tree yield an essential oil consisting of myristicin.
Properties :-Nutmeg was used in the preparation of various medicines in early times. Today it is widely used for the preparation of pharmaceutical. The oil is extracted from the the herb is used in perfumery, hair lotions and as an antispasmodic carminative. The herb is useful in treating dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhoea, particularly in cholera.

Botanical Name :- Allium cepa
Indian name :- Piyaz
The Onion is a a beneficial herb usually grown in annual. All parts of the Onion produce a strong odour when crushed. the leaves are long , linear and hollow. The fruit is a spherical caspsule. Onion is one of the oldest cultivated herbs. The Sanskrit word for Onion is palandu which has been mentioned in the Garuda Purana. Onion is believed to have originated in Central Asia, possibly in Iran- Pakistan region. Onion has been used as a herbal remedy from time immemorial. It is high food value, moderate in protein content and rich calcium and riboflavin. Onion contain an essential oil and organic sulphides.
Properties :- Onion has great therapeutic value. They are stimulants and mild counter-irritant. It has been used as a herbal remedy for centuries in colds, coughs, bronchitis and influenza. Onions are well-known for their easily assimilable iron content. They are therefore beneficial in treating anaemia. Recent researches establish that the Onion as an effective preventive against heart-attacks. It is an effective remedy for cholera also. Onions are highly beneficial in the treatment of the disorders of urinary system. Onions are very effective in bleeding piles. Other uses of this herbs are teeth disorders, ear disorders and tuberculosis.

Botanical Name :- Petroselinum crispum
Indian name :- Prajmoda
Parsely is an erect, biennial or short lived perennial herb with a fleshy aromatic tap root and dark green shiny leaves. There are two groups of parsely . One group is with plain leaves and the other with curled leaves commonly known as moss-curled. Parsely is a native of Southern Europe. Parsely contains a glucoside apiin and an an essential oil which contain apiol. The fruits contain coumarin.
Properties :- Parsely is rich in ascorbic acid and hence is a good blood cleanser. It increases the secretion and discharge urine and relieves flatulence. Parsely aids digestion and helps prevent the formation of gas within the stomach and intestines. It is one of the most popular remedies for indigestion. The elements in parsely help to maintain blood vessels particularly the capillaries and arterial system in a healthy conditions. It is very useful in high blood pressure. The herb is an effective remedy for scanty menstruation. It also assists in the regularization of the monthly periods. Parsely is a very effective remedy for bad breath. Boil 2 cups of water with coarsely chopped parsely sprigs and 2 or 3 whole cloves or a quarter tablespoon ground cloves. The herb has also proved beneficial in the treatment of boils.    
Botanical Name :- Ficus religiosa
Indian name :- Peepal
The peepal is one of the best known trees of India. The tree grows to large proportions. It has a hard, cracked and grayish white bark and numerous offshoots. The peepal is venerated by the Hindus and Buddhists. The rishis of yore meditated under it. The tree is found wild in the forests on the lower slopes of the Himalayas, Orissa and Central India
Properties :- The bark and leaves of peepal are useful in many common ailments. Its leaves are laxative and a tonic. They relieve feverish feeling and produce a feeling of coolness. They are also useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. The leaves of peepal are used in the treatment of heart disease. They are infused in water at night distilled in the next morning and stored in white bottles. About 15 mg of this infusion is administrated trice daily. The leaves of the tree are useful in constipation It is also effective in treating dysentery and in bruises and wounds. Peepal leaves are used in the treatment of mumps also.

Pomegranate, whose main attraction has been as a fruit, is now coming in to its own as a modern medical resource. Ayurveda holds it with great reverence as a power full wholesome gift of nature against a long list of human ailments.Medicanal powers of the pomegranate are mentioned Greek mythology. Chinese mention pomegranate juice a a longevity drug.

Botanical Name :- Piper nigrum
Indian name :- Kali mirch
Pepper is one of the oldest and most important of all spices. It is known as the 'king of spices' .Black pepper is the whole dried fruit, while white is the fruit subjected to the treatment in water with the mesocrap removed. Both varieties are ground and used in a powdered form. Pepper is a native of Western Ghats of India.
Properties :- Black pepper is stimulant, pungent, aromatic, digestive and nervine tonic. Black pepper is very useful in in relieving flatulence. Pepper has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of salvia and gastric juices. It is a good home remedy for digestive disorders. Powdered black pepper thoroughly mixed with malted jagerry may be taken in the treatment of such conditions. Pepper is beneficial in the treatment of cold and fever. A pinch of finely ground pepper mixed with honey taken twice day is effective in amnesia or dullness of intellect. Pepper is an effective remedy for cough caused due to throat irritation. Pepper is useful in pyorrhoea or pus in the gums. Powdered pepper and salt mixture when massaged over the gums relieves inflammation.

Botanical Name :- Papaver somniferum
Indian name :- Khas-khas
Poppy plant is a native of Asia. Poppy seeds are founded in poppy heads. They are recommended in many prescriptions for tonics. The plant is endowed with roots of strong fragrance. It is an erect ,annual herb with smooth surface and latex in all parts. The sap of the plant contains oxalic acid and opium which has 25 , the chief being morphine, codeine, thelaine, narcotine, narceine and papaverine.
Properties :- Poppy seeds are effective in thirst, fever, inflammation and irritation of the stomach. The root is employed as one of the ingredients in several cooling medicines. The essence of the root is used as tonic because of its stimulating qualities. It is an easy to make home remedy for dysentery. About quarter teaspoon of the powder of poppy seeds are sauted to a golden brown in honey. It is taken twice daily to relief from the symptoms. Poppy seeds ground to paste with lime juice are effective when rubbed on the areas effected by dry itch.
Botanical Name - Boerhaavia diffusa Linn
Indian Name - Punarnava

Botanical Name :- Rauwolfia serpentina
Indian name :- Sarpagandha
Rauwolfia is an erect herb with a smooth stem. Rauwolfia is a native of India. The herb was introduced to the modern system of medicine by Dr. Ganpath Sen and Dr. Kartik Chandra Bose renowned Ayurvedic physicians of Culcutta. The root of the herb contain a lot of the resin and starch and when incinerated leave an ash consisting mainly of potassium carbonate, phosphate, silicate and traces of iron and manganese
Properties :- The herb is an active drug in lowering blood pressure. It is also used to reduce fever. During delivery, it is used to stimulate uterine contractions and promote the expulsion of the fetus. The plant is effective in treating insanity. It is popularly known as pagal-ka-dawa , a medicine for insanity. The herb is effective in treating insomnia because of its sedative properties. Rauwolfia is the best medicine for high blood pressure, and it has been adapted by medical society in most countries especially in American countries. The alkoloids which have a direct effect on hypertension , have been isolated in it and are widely used by doctors of modern medicine. Rauwolfia is also very effective in treating hysteria. One gram of powdered root can be administrated trice with milk.
Botanical Name :- Rosmarinus officinalis
Indian name :- Rusmary
Rosemary is a sweet scented evergreen shrub which grows up to 2 metres high. The leaves are narrow and resemble curved pine needles. They have small pale blue flowers grow in little clusters up the stems. Dried leaves of Rosemary are used for commercial purposes. Dried herb is brownish green in colour. The leaves are a tea like fragrance. Rosemary has long been regarded as the herb for remembrance. It was once believed to strengthen the heart as well as memory. Rosemary is a native of Southern Europe. Dried rosemary leaves on fractional distillation yield 1 to 2 per cent of a volatile oil which is used in perfumery and medicine. They also contain several acids and other chemical substances.
Properties :- Rosemary is an antidote to mental fatigue and forgetfulness. a tea made from the herb is a good natural remedy for bringing added mental agility. The plant has been very effective in atonic dyspepsia , that is indigestion and stiffness in the stomach. Its oil is used as an ingredient in rubefacient liniments. The flowering top and leaves of rosemary are used for vapour baths in rheumatism.
Botanical Name :- Achyranthes aspera
Indian name :- Chirchita
Rough chaff is an errect and stiff annual herb which grows densely up to 50 cm in length. It has numerous branches. The flowers are small and face downwards. Old flowers are found at the bottom and fresh ones on the upper portion. It is a native of India. The ash of the herb contains a high proportion of potash and is an antacid. It is an important constituent of alkaline medicine which is useful in counteracting acidity.
Properties :-Rough chaff is one of the important herbs used by villagers in preparing mixed greens. The leaves are tasteless but assume a mild bitter taste after cooking. They also have soft cellulose. Rough chaff is used to treat asthma. The ash of the leaves is mixed with honey is used for cough. The herb is specific for spleen enlargement. The powder of the plant is used in 25 gram dose twice daily with a little beaten curd. This brings good result in 3 or 4 weeks. The powdered root of the herb is useful in asthma.

Botanical Name:- Salvia officinalis
Indian name :- Salvia
Sage is an evergreen woody-stemmed shrub grows up to 6 cms. high. The flowers are purplish blue. The dried herb is grey tinged with green. It has strong spicy aroma and has a slightly bitter taste. It has a centuries-old reputation of exerting a beneficial influence on the brain, nerve, eyes and glands. Sage was originated in the Mediterranean countries.
Properties :- Sage has a great role in the history of botanic medicine. The Chinese adage 'sage for old age ' sums up its healthful qualities. Sage is very useful in failing memory. This herb acts on the brain thereby eliminating metal tension and improving concentration. Tea from sage leaves is beneficial in coping with stress. The herb is useful in preventing grey hair if blended in hair tonics. It is also useful for its healing action on the throat and mouth.
Botanical Name:- Santalum album
Indian name :- Chandan
Sandalwood is a medium-sized evergreen tree with almost drooping branches, dark rough bark and fragrant mature wood. The trade name of sandalwood is based on its Indian name. Sandalwood is a native of India. It is cultivated in Karnataka, Coorg, Coimbatore and the southern parts of Tamilnadu. It also grows wild. Sandalwood occupies a very important place in Hindu religious rituals. Sandalwood yields an essential oil which contains santaloe.    
Properties :- Sandalwood is bitter, sedative , cooling and cardiac tonic. It is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding and in promoting the flow of urine. Sandalwood oil is stimulant and antiseptic. Sandalwood is valuable in gastric irritability. Sandalwood is also beneficial to the treatment of dysentery. Sandalwood paste is popular household remedy for prickly heat. Another use of the wood is a cooling dressing in inflammatory skin diseases. Sandalwood paste applied on the temple relieves headache and brings down the temperature and fever.
Botanical Name:- Crocus sativus
Indian name :- Kesar
Saffron is a plant resembling onion with 45cms. high. Commercial saffron consist of the dried stigma and tops of the styles of the flowers. It is one of the world's costliest herbs. Saffron is more popular in the Tibbi than in the Ayurvedic medicine. Saffron contains an essential oil which consist of terpenes, alcohols and esters.
    Properties :- Saffron is mostly used in indigenous medicine across India. It enjoys a large reputation as a drug which strengthen the functioning of the stomach and promotes its action. Saffron is beneficial in the treatment of several digestive disorders. The herb is useful in promoting and regulating menstrual periods. It soothes lumbar pains which accompany menstruation. Saffron is useful in treating skin disorders. A paste of the herb can be used as a dressing for bruises and superficial sores.
Botanical Name:- Trichosanthes anguina
Indian name :- Chachinga
Snake gourd is a climbing herb with tendrils divided into three parts. It has white male and female flowers and cylindrical, slender, tapering fruits with waxy surface. Its fruits are orange in colour when ripe, and pulpy red at maturity. An analysis of Snake gourd shows it to consist of substantial amount of protein, fat, fibre and carbohydrates.
Properties :- Snake gourd is useful in restoring the disordered processes of nutrition. It creates a cooling effect in the body. Its leaves are used in indigenous medicine in India. The juice of the fresh leaves is useful in heart disorders like palpitation and pain in the heart on physical exertion. Infusion of the leaves is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. Other uses of this herb is beneficial to the treatment of fevers, alopecia and heart disorders.

Botanical name:- Tamarindus indica
Indian name:- Imli
    Tamarind is a large, attractive symmetrical spreading tree. It has small compound leaves, yellowish flowers with reddish fleshy and brown fruits. The seeds are dark brown and shiny. Tamarind is a native of Africa. Its mineral and vitamin contents are calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and vitamin C. Its calorific value is 283. The pulp contains tartaric and other acids, sugars like invert - a broken-up starch, and pectin. An analysis of Tamarind pulps consist of moistures 20.9 per. cent, protein 3.1%, fat .1% minerals 2.9%, fibre 5.6% and carbohydrate 61.4%.
Properties:- The plant has many medicinal virtues. Its leaves are cooling and antibilious. Pulp o the ripe fruit is beneficial in the treatment of bilious vomiting, flatulence and indigestion. It is also useful for constipation. Tamarind pulp, being rich in vitamin C, is valuable in preventing and curing scurvy. Tamarind-pepper rasam, a clear soup is considered an effective home remedy for colds in South India. It is prepared by boiling a very dilute tamarind water in a teaspoon of hot ghee and half a teaspoon of black pepper powder for a few minutes. This steaming hot rasam has a flushing effect. The pulp of Tamarind fruit is useful in treating fevers. The Tamarind milk drink as suggested for fevers, is also very helpful in treating dysentery. The tender leaves of Tamarind tree are useful remedy for treating burns. Gargle of Tamarind water is beneficial in the treatment of sore throat.    
Botanical name:- Curcuma longa
Indian name:- Haldi
    Turmeric is a perennial herb 60 to 90 cms high. It has short stem and raised or lifted branches. Turmeric has been mentioned in early Sanskrit works. Turmeric is a native of Southern-eastern Asia. An analysis shows that it consists of 13.1% moisture, 6.3% protein, 5.1% fat, 3.5% minerals, 2.6% fibre and 69.4% carbohydrates. Its mineral and vitamin contents are calcium , phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine and niacin.
Properties:- Turmeric has many medicinal virtues. The essential oil rhizome is aromatic, stimulant and a tonic. It is useful in relieving flatulence. Turmeric is very useful intestinal antiseptic. The rhizome, its juice or dry powder, mixed in butter milk or plain water is highly beneficial in intestinal problems, especially chronic diarrhoea. The juice of raw turmeric mixed with a pinch of salt is considered an effective remedy for expelling worms. Turmeric being rich in iron is valuable in anaemia. A teaspoon of raw turmeric juice mixed with honey is taken everyday in the treatment of this condition. This herb is beneficial in the treatment of measles. Turmeric roots are dried in the sun and ground to a fine powder. Turmeric is an effective household remedy for bronchial asthma. A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk twice or thrice daily is very effective.

Botanical name:- Adhatoda vasica
Indian name:- Adusa
Vasaka, also called Malabar nut tree is a well known through out India. Its is tall, with several branches, dense, and an evergreen shrub. Leaves are large and lance-shaped. The flowers are white or purple in colour. Vasaka is a native of India. The leaves of this herb contains an alkaloid vaxicine besides an essential oil.
Properties:- The roots, leaves and the flowers are used as a remedy for cold, cough, bronchitis and asthma. In Ayurveda, a preparation made from vasaka flowers known as gulkand is used to treat tuberculosis. A few fresh petals of Vasaka flowers should be bruised and put in a pot of china clay. Some sugar crystals are added and the jar kept in the sun. It should be stirred every morning and evening. The preserve is ready for use in about a month. Another uses of this herb is beneficial to the treatment of coughs, intestinal worms,skin diseases,diarrhoea and dysentery.

Botanical name:- Nasturtium officinale
Indian name:-Jal-halim or Jal-kumbhi

The Watercress is a perennial, aquatic herb, with hollow angular stems, and many branches. It has dark green, shining leaves divided in to several leaflets. It has a pleasant and pungent flavor. Watercress is a native of Europe. The Greeks regarded it as a psychic stimulant and the Romans used it with vinegar as a remedy for mental disorders. It also used as a remedy for headaches and biliousness. An analysis shows this vegetable consists of moisture, protein, fat and carbohydrates. Its vitamin and mineral contents are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, vitamin A and C, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin.
Properties:-Watercress is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. A cup of its fresh juice with a teaspoon of lime juice and a pinch of common salt can be taken every morning for a month in the treatment of this condition. The herb is considered as an excellent food remedy for chest troubles. Watercress is one of the best sources of iodine. It is very important to correct the functioning of the thyroid glands. Another uses of this herb is piles and skin disorders
Botanical name:- Feronia limonida
Indian name:- Kaith
Wood apple is a whitish spherical fruit, with a hard woody pericarp and aromatic pulp. The tree has feather- like leaves and reddish flowers. Wood apple is indigenous to south India. It consists of 6.2% moisture, 7.1% protein, 3.7% fat, 1.9% minerals and 5% fibre. Its vitamin and mineral contents are calcium, phosphorous, iron, carotine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin.
Properties:- The pulp of the raw fruit is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. the ripe fruit is refreshing, aromatic digestive and a tonic. It is useful in preventing and curing scurvy and in relieving flatulence. The gem that stem exudes has a smoothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Mashed seedless of the pulp raw fruit is beneficial in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhoea and piles.

Botanical name:- Zizyphus jujuba
Indian name:- Ber
Zizyphus is one of the most hardly fruit trees. It is a small thorny evergreen tree with vine-like branches and dark green leaves. The fruit has two varieties- the wild one, called jharberi is small and round, while the cultivated fruit is oval , fleshy and bigger in size. Its calorific value is 74.
Properties:- Zizyphus is beneficial in the treatment of metal retardation. A handful of the try fruit is boiled in half a litre of water till it is reduced to half. Sugar or honey can be added to taste and given daily at night before retiring. It increases the functioning of the brain by releasing more glutamic acid into the bloodstream. Zizyphus is useful in preventing frequent attacks of colds and influenza. The bark can be used for treating diarrhoea, dysentery and colic. The infusion of the inner covering of the bark is used as a purgative in constipation.


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